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Almost Back to Normal - well for me, anyway...


The drainage has almost completely ceased, praise the Lord. I can now wear a sports-type bra with a gauze bandage and be out in public.

I have now officially entered senior citizen status: I have a doctor appointment almost every single day this week. Yesterday was Endocrinologist, today was Oncology, tomorrow is the surgeon (I'm finally healing), Friday is a Bone Density test, Monday is with radiologist.

I went out for the first time in 3 weeks this past Sunday and walked inside a mall (have to stay out of the sunlight because of antibiotic I'm on.) Today I took a shower and got dressed like a normal person. Even put on deodorant and some jewelry. I should be good to return to work on the 21st of this month. My coworkers have all been so wonderful and supportive and I just love them!

Before I was diagnosed, we had purchased tickets to visit Michael's sister, Debbie and her husband Craig in Hawaii in early March. Since they want a full month of healing after surgery, which would be February 24th, I'm hoping that radiation won't start until after we get back. I could really use a break from all the medical misery for awhile!

After radiation I will be put on ten year's worth of hormone blockers so look for me to be sporting a full set of whiskers in about 6 months. I actually think I look rather dashing with a stache! No, it's not real, it's an Instagram filter I was playing around with at work when my co-worker Irene showed me how to do it. We were in hysterics for a few hours over the end result.

Again, thank you to absolutely EVERYONE who has been praying for me, bringing meals, spending time with me, sending flowers, cards, etc. Hopefully radiation won't be a major ordeal like surgeries has been.


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