..but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty;
Nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficulty for me.
Surely I have composed and quieted my soul.
Like a weaned child rests against his mother,
My soul is like a weaned child within me.
-O Israel, hope in the Lord, from this time forth and forever.- Psalm 131
I have been a believer in my Messiah, Jesus since 1977. My faith is a miracle. It happened without my seeking, searching or desiring. I was literally the lost lamb He went in search of to find.
I have walked with the Lord all these years and He has never failed me.
I have studied the entire Bible with the greatest teachers, heard the testimonies of those who have died, seen heaven and come back and I have grown convinced of this important truth. Nothing....NOTHING is out of His loving hand. Everything, down to the smallest detail is under His loving, watchful eyes. God is not responsible for the evil that men do but He does cause all things to work together for good for those who love HIM and in the end, all creation will ultimately be renewed by Him. (Romans 8:28)
This breast cancer diagnosis has come to me at the point in my life when I have come to the place of totally trusting God....no matter what. I am not anxious for how long it is taking to start treatment. I am not anxious at the outcome (even if the worst should happen). I know heaven is real. I know that I have longed to be there for a long time. I know that I belong to Jesus my Redeemer.
I am still human. I dread the pain, suffering and discomfort that will be mine in the coming months but I know God will work out all these things for my ultimate good because I truly do LOVE HIM.
I covet your prayers. Beyond asking for my healing, I ask you to pray that God is glorified through this whole ordeal and that it will bring me closer to HIM.