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Not a Happy Camper


Well, I got the news today: I'm being put on the traditional, kiss-your-quality-of-life-goodbye drug, Anastrozole.


I had to fill out a variety of questions for the clinical trial and one of them actually got a chuckle out of me:

1) Have you experienced any hair loss recently? It was multiple choice where none of the answers applied to me because I started losing my hair in my 20's and which hit critical mass in my 50's necessitating the need to wear a wig all the time because I looked like....wait for it....a chemotherapy patient! So I put "no".

Same with bowel movement status: diarrhea or constipated? Well, I have an ileostomy so basically I have diarrhea ALL the time and am unable to get constipated since I'm sans colon.

I have to pick up my poison pill today and bring it into my appointment tomorrow. I already told clinical trial nurse that if I experience any horrible side effects I'm opting out.

I have prayed and asked to be put on the new drug (with the caveat that God should decide whichever drug would glorify Him the most) there it is.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!

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