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Silent Faith is Useless Faith


I think it's a good idea to regularly and honestly examine our own faith. I know people who claim to believe that God exists but that is where it ends. Otherwise, they are basically silent about their faith in everyday life. I don't understand that.

When I was a new, excited believer, I was constantly witnessing to total strangers. Most of the time I was met with rejection and have since learned that it helps to establish some kind of relationship and "walk the walk" before hitting people over the head with the gospel. My faith is the biggest part of my life, so it comes naturally to share it. Just like people who are excited about a movie or their favorite sports teams share without any kind of shame. How much more should we be excited about knowing that the God of the Universe loves us and sharing that love with others?

I once had a co-worker complain to me about someone else preaching at them in a very obnoxious manner (admittedly the guy was kind of a jerk) and commented how he wished people would just keep their religion to themselves. At that moment I know that God graced me with a word of wisdom because it just popped into my head: "Gee," I responded to my catholic friend. "It's a good thing the disciples didn't feel that way!" That really made him stop and think. If the disciples had clammed up, they would have been the only ones ever saved.

You don't necessarily have to go out to your local mall and hand out gospel tracts to total strangers, but you can be a light and loving example within your own circle of relatives, co-workers and friends. Be the compassionate shoulder. Give as you are able without broadcasting it.

Just acknowledging that God exists isn't enough. Evil the demons do so. As my pastor said, there is no such thing as atheist demons. They know God exists and they are terrified of Him.

Let your light shine before men. Share the good news of how God loves them and sacrificed His Son to rescue them. Jesus freaks preached at me for years and I rejected their message but still God found a way to get through to me and I will be eternally grateful that He did!

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