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Something's Burning...


"'s us!" she said. A portion of a lyric from one of the songs my husband and I like to quote to one another humorously.

Only this time it's true. I'm starting to burn on the outside (not too painful yet) but also my esophagus. I'm basically being microwaved in increments.

Yesterday my throat starting hurting, especially when I swallow. I was forewarned that this was a possibility. I told the radiology technician about it and he said it usually happens much earlier in the process (2 weeks) than the 5 weeks out I'm at. I saw my doctor and she didn't seemed overly concerned but prescribed a nasty liquid concoction that I have to swish in my mouth and swallow 5 minutes before eating and before bed. It has lidocaine and Benadryl in it and my regular pharmacy couldn't make it so I had to go to a compounding pharmacy.

My wonderful friend, Rhonda, who was staying with me yesterday while Michael is away on business was kind enough to run the errand for me since I was swamped with work.

Between the Rx and Advil the pain and discomfort have been greatly abated. I only have a week's supply but can get a refill when needed.

I only have 8 more treatments to go (last one on 5/5/22). My skin is getting darker. I'm determined to see this through to the end and hopefully this will be the end of cancer treatments (except for hormone blockers) for the time being.

I was pretty low this week. Up to now, I haven't really felt like a "cancer" patient but now it's hitting home a bit more.

As I truly believe and always say, my life and days are in the Lord's loving hands and in Him will I put my trust and not lean on my own understanding.

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3 comentários

01 de mai. de 2022

Thinking of you and praying this nightmare be over soon foe you. You have been through enough! Sending lots of love and hugs to you. God Bless you. Get well soon!

01 de mai. de 2022
Respondendo a

Thank you!! I’m really hurting


26 de abr. de 2022

My heart and prayers are with you!!!!! May the Lord bless you and bring His healing hands upon you!!! XOXO

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